Dr Pollard Kellie

Charles Darwin University – ARC DAATSIA Research Fellow


Voice Over: What Next?
In Australia in 2023 citizens were asked to vote on whether the national constitution of the federal parliament should be amended to reflect Indigenous representation, in effect, a Voice, to national government on laws and policies affecting the lives of Indigenous people. If successful, a Yes vote had the potential to transform the Close the Gap policy in real terms. However, the result of the vote was a resounding No. Now that the Voice referendum is over this session ask’s ‘what next?’. This is a poignant question given it is national reconciliation week in Australia.

Biography Dr Kellie Pollard is a Wiradjuri research academic and archaeologist at Charles Darwin University. Kellie’s specialisations include Indigenous research methodologies and ethics, contact and historical archaeology and truth-telling in Australia. Kellie is currently working on a five-year Australian Research Council (ARC) funded research project that is devising an Indigenous epistemological model of knowledge-making for Indigenous archaeology in Australia.